
Image Posterization Using Fuzzy Logic and Bilateral Filter: A tutorial, 2016 | PDF | C++/OpenCV Code | Matlab Code

How to Make a 2D Player Character Using Unity, ACM Assiut Student Chapter Magazine, Vol. 1, PP 32–36, 2015 | PDF | Code 


Python 101: An introduction to programming: Get started with coding in Python with this beginner-friendly introduction in Arabic | Videos

Introduction to Game Development Using Unity3D: Learn game development with Unity3D in Arabic through 12 recorded training sessions offered by ACM Assiut Student Chapter, 2015 | Videos

Autodesk 3Ds Max: Explore 3D modeling, materials, lighting, and rendering in Autodesk 3Ds Max with a series of tutorial videos in Arabic totaling approximately 780 minutes | Videos

CLO 3D: Discover 3D clothing design with CLO 3D software through a series of Arabic tutorial videos | Videos

3D Animations: Learn 3D animation techniques using Autodesk 3Ds Max with a series of tutorial videos in Arabic spanning approximately 400 minutes. Topics include keying animations, linking (FK and IK), reaction manager, physique and morpher modifiers, facial expressions, character studio, particle flow, and reactor | Videos

Endorphin: Explore computer simulations of animated characters with Endorphin through a series of Arabic tutorial videos, totalling approximately 90 minutes | Videos

Craft Director: Learn vehicle simulations with Craft Director in Arabic through a tutorial video that covers the integration of Craft Director with Autodesk 3Ds Max | Video

Real Flow: Explore fluid particle simulation using RealFlow software in Arabic with a series of tutorial videos totaling approximately 100 minutes | Videos

Adobe Photoshop: Get a brief introduction in Arabic to image editing with Adobe Photoshop | Videos

Adobe Premiere Pro: Learn video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro in Arabic through 100-minute tutorial videos | Videos