A New Compression Technique for Surveillance Videos: Evaluation Using New Dataset

Islam Taj-Eddin, Mahmoud Afifi, Doha Hamdy, Mostafa Korashy, Marwa Nasser, and Shimaa Derbaz

Faculty of Computers and Information, Assiut University, Egypt

Sixth International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP)


Traditional video surveillance takes a huge amount of space storage. Recording everything captured by a surveillance camera consumes the storage devices used by the system. Extracting useful and meaningful information from surveillance videos is a time consuming process due to the long time of the recorded videos. These drawbacks limit the effectiveness of traditional video surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose and elaborate on a compression method which investigates the fact that surveillance videos may last for a long time with no changes in the scene it monitors. Using this fact, a new compression technique that reduces the size of the videos dramatically was developed. We also present a dataset for low quality surveillance videos which can be used by researchers for applying different algorithms and techniques in the field of surveillance videos.


The dataset comes in two parts. The first part is presented as real surveillance videos, where the first part covers a large surveillance time (7 days with 24 hours each). It contains 19 videos representing almost a one week of surveillance videos. All the videos are compressed using MPEG-4. The second part* is presented as uncompressed surveillance video. Part two consists of 9: 17 minutes recorded as a sequence of bitmap images (uncompressed) and these frames are divided into two uncompressed AVI videos. This part presents a hard task, where there is no static frames (i.e. have no changes).

Link: Surveillance Videos Dataset

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Paper(PDF) Dataset External Link


  title={A new compression technique for surveillance videos: Evaluation using new dataset},
  author={Taj-Eddin, Islam ATF and Afifi, Mahmoud and Korashy, Mostafa and Hamdy, Doha and Nasser, Marwa and Derbaz, Shimaa},
  booktitle={Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP), 2016 Sixth International Conference on},

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