Fast Video Completion using patch-based synthesis and image registration presentation

Mahmoud Afifi1, Khaled F. Hussain2, Hosny M. Ibrahim1, and Nagwa M. Omar1

1Department of Information Technology, Faculty of computers and information, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of computers and information, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2014


Video completion has many applications in movie post-production, such as removing unwanted objects, artifacts, or logos. Most state-of-the-art video completion techniques are time-consuming in order to ensure spatial-temporal coherence. This paper presents a Fast Video Completion (FVC) technique that is based on patch-based synthesis and image registration. FVC generates key frames without the unwanted objects over the input video using a patch-based synthesis. The rest of the video completion process requires a low computing time using the registered prior frame. The results of the proposed technique show that FVC preserves the spatial-temporal coherence in an acceptable time, that makes the proposed technique is applicable for long videos.

Supplementary Video

Additional Materials

PDF Source Code (Matlab)* Dataset** External Link

*This is a simple Matlab source code of FVC. Some features were discarded in this code like morphing, inverse completion, and keypoints.

** You can download samples of the dataset from here:

1- Cat walking:

Original video


Resulting video

2- Garden:

Original video


Resulting video

3- Cat2:

Original video


Resulting video


  title={Fast video completion using patch-based synthesis and image registration},
  author={Afifi, Mahmoud and Hussain, Khaled F and Ibrahim, Hosny M and Omar, Nagwa M},
  booktitle={Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2014 International Symposium on},

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